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Self-worth is knowing and understanding how we feel about ourselves inside and helps us know that we are important, special and that we matter. When we have self-worth we can believe in ourselves and feel happy and safe. When we help another person, guiding them, encouraging them or teaching them a new skill, it can make us feel empowered, strong and important. Remember to talk and lead with kindness, and listen carefully to what others are saying.

  • Noticing how we feel allows us to know we matter and it is ok to have feelings.
  • We can notice how different feelings affect us.
  • We can recognise and know that our feelings can change.

Try this next

Draw your favourite tree. On the branches write five different things you like about yourself or things you are good at.

For parents: The concept of self-worth

For children to develop self-worth they need adults who nurture the children in their care. Children read body language and facial expressions of their trusted adults and internalise this as self-worth. They need to see facial expressions that show interest and delight in them, body language that shows warmth, connection and safety. The language we use needs to communicate to them that they are special, they matter and are valued.  How to help your children with self-worthRead our blog.

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