Stormbreak Surge is our flagship primary whole-school programme. 

We know schools need practical, sustainable resources to support their pupils’ emotional wellbeing, and we want to help.

What is it?

Surge is our primary school emotional wellbeing programme which empowers senior leaders, teachers and wider school staff to support childrens’ mental and physical health. Surge aims to equip stormbreak advocates in schools with resources, activities and confidence to support children to recognise their emotions, respond to their feelings and regulate their emotions as they navigate the challenges of growing up.

"We've had to make really small changes and the impact has been huge."

"Stormbreak has given children the language to use, to share how they're feeling. It's given them the tools to do that."

"Prior to stormbreak I am not sure they saw me as anything but their teacher, and it's lovely that we now how that connection"

-Surge advocate feedback

Who is it for?

Stormbreak Surge is aimed at schools who work alongside primary aged children, this could be infant schools, first schools, junior schools, middle schools or primary schools. Anyone from the school can take part in the training but you need at least one member of SLT to attend specific sessions and at least one chosen advocate from your school. As long as the advocate has access to classes or groups of children then their role does not really matter. In the past we have worked alongside class teachers, senior leaders, SENCo’s, TAs, MDSAs, PSHE and PE leads to name a few.


What do we get with Surge?

Stormbreak Surge is a comprehensive 12-week professional development programme aimed at all primary schools.

  • Mentally healthy movement rationale, training & support
  • Full training and support for up to 5 advocates
  • Cross-school cohorts providing additional support network.
  • 3 leadership network support sessions
  • 15 easy to follow resource packs supporting delivery in class
  • Online access to full range of training and stormbreak videos
  • Interactive digital dashboard enabling monitoring of engagement and impact at individual, class and whole school levels.
  • Ability to record stormbreaks as they are delivered
  • 30 stormbreaks targeting all five healthcare concepts.
  • Pre & post-delivery assessment for impact analysis
  • Downloadable achievement certificates

How much does it cost?

The cost of Surge is £1500 per school, including resource packs. NB schools are able to use PE and Sport premium to contribute to the cost of Surge. Read this blog post to find out more.

How do we get involved?

Please contact if you are interested in our training, or would like to find out more.